Holy Moly only 4 weeks (and 2 days) to go! Everyone tells me it has gone by so fast, and I partly agree considering I can't believe she's almost here already. Although, when I think about it, I've been pregnant since March and that's a really long time! Almost a year! So it's gone by both fast and slow, but I have a feeling time is about to speed up exponentially!
My baby shower was Sunday, and it was absolutely amazing. My girls could not have put together a more gorgeous and thoughtful celebration, and I am eternally grateful to them. Getting teary eyed thinking about it. More on that later once I download all the pictures.
We did our baby bump pix on Friday in St. Augustine, both downtown and at the beach, and I haven't seen any yet, but am anxiously awaiting a sneak peak. Will post a couple of those too when I get them. I am so immensely grateful to Kelly, (who did our wedding and instantly became one of my favorite friends) for doing these for us. She wanted to give us the bump pix and newborn pix as a gift, and it means so so much to us. She's a special one, and obviously extremely talented as well.
I did take one silhouette picture at home just for my own fun, so here that is. Kelly shared this quote with me, and it's just perfection for this feeling of becoming a mom.

Also, we tried to do a 4-D ultrasound at our 32 week appointment, but she wasn't too cooperative with her hands in front of her face the whole time. Here's what we managed to get - a fist and some chubby cheeks. We're going back this Thursday for our 37 week appointment, so maybe we'll have more luck then. It doesn't really matter I suppose because we're meeting her in real life in 4 weeks!!!!