Baby girl is growing up so fast!

She recognizes voices, and it is the best feeling ever to see her light up when she hears my voice.

All smiles for mommy. Melt my heart.
She absolutely loves being outside, and if she gets the teeniest bit fussy, all I have to do is walk to the door, and as soon as I open it to step outside, she hushes. We spend a lot of time out in her stroller, playing with the dogs, or swinging on the glider in the yard. I just ordered her a baby bucket swing to hang from the playground set at my mom's house. Now that she has pretty much total head control, I am exited to start swinging her outside. She also rolled over at 9 weeks! It was 1 day after her 2 month birthday (February 12) and she just rolled right over on her playmat from front to back. She has done back to front about 75%, but I'm still watching out for her to get all the way over. It is pretty amazing how fast they learn and grow and change. Naturally, she is my daughter after all, she is obsessed with music as well. She seems to have a few favorite songs that she enjoys when I sing or hum, but as long as there is music of some form playing, she's a happy camper. I'm itching to get her her first violin!
She's sleeping pretty much 10-12 hours a night now. I don't have her on a strict daily "schedule"...I would say we're more on a routine. She usually wakes up between 6 and 7:30 and eats and is up for an hour or so. Then she goes back down for an hour or 2, depending on her mood. She's more of a cat napper during the morning. After lunch she goes down for a long nap, which ranges from 2-4 hours, again, just depends on the day. Then she's up usually from 4-7 and we'll get her fed and ready for bed.
Nap time in her vibrating chair
I have been doing baths in the morning because that's just the routine I got into, but I'm switching to night time baths to start our bedtime, bath, story time, prayers and rock to sleep. She's still sleeping in our room, which is mostly for convenience for me when she was eating in the middle of the night, but it's about time to move her into her room, so this week she took some naps in her big girl bed to get used to it. It's definitely harder on mom!!
Sleeping in her big girl bed:

I think she likes it just fine :)
She is simply a precious little angel, and I'm just trying to soak up every moment with her, to remember her sounds, smells and personality as she grows right before my eyes.