3 months!

They really are best friends. I cannot get over how much these puppies love her. It makes and breaks my heart.

Growing up so big!


I love her big eyes. She is constantly staring at everyone and everything, taking it all in.


Loving on her baby gator doll. These stuffed animals are all the rage. I'll look up the brand, because they are soooo cute and soft!


Ugh i'm behind again!

It's really hard to find time to get everything done these days! I work when baby girl is sleeping, and when she's awake I want to play with her, so I find myself neglecting things like folding laundry, and, ahem, blogging...boo!

I'll get on better track soon, but here's a brief 3 month Leighton update! Baby girl is growing up so fast. She is right on the verge of sitting up, and we practice in her little bumbo chair a lot.

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I really cannot believe how strong she is! She tries to pull herself out of her carseat and she is constantly pumping her little legs to get moving. I put her in the jumperoo yesterday to see how she would like it, and it was a major hit! I just propped a large cookbook under her feet since her legs aren't touching the floor yet, and she just played and bounced away! I am just loving all her new tricks!

She discovered sophie (the teething giraffe) and loves chewing on her all day long.

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Baby yoga is her favorite past time. At any time of the day, you're likely to find her in this little feet position (her yoga teacher godmother had a long word for the pose, but I can't remember it, and I obviously have no clue).

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She also loves to go to the tennis courts to watch her Mi play, and we love to lunch with the ladies after.

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Mi gave her her own tennis racket, so I can't wait to get her started in lessons. First step is probably walking...

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We went to our first baseball game, and she was soo perfectly behaved. She loves being outside, so pretty much you can count on a good baby as long as our activity involves the outdoors. Daddy was so proud to take her to her first gator game.

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We went to the beach a few weekends ago for her first time, and I have a blog post on that coming, but here she is in her adorable ruffle swim suit!!! I'm so obsessed.

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More to come soon! Her first easter is next week and we have a gorgeous little easter dress for her, and her baptism is the week after! Busy spring for a little girl, but I think she can handle it.

DIY project coming up

I've been on the hunt for an antique wooden high chair for our house and especially for Leighton's first birthday. I am envisioning itty bit smashing her first birthday cake at her party in her brightly colored high chair, and of course we'll use it for first birthday pictures. I've been madly searching craigslist and I just couldn't seem to find one. I finally asked my sister, the interior designer and shop owner, and she was like, oh I have one, it was Brooks' (my nephew) DUH why didn't I think of asking her in the first place?! I should have known! Sooo, here it is and it's FREEEEE!

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I'm sooo excited to pick it up Friday from my sister, and to get the paint to re-finish it! I just have to decide on the color... I'm choosing between aqua, bright yellow and bubblegum pink. I can’t wait to share pictures of the project this weekend!

Our first cold

My angel baby princess has her first cold. It could be allergies, since the pollen is out of control here, but either way, she has a cough and runny/stuffy nose and it's just pitiful! Baby tylenol seems to help. She finally fell asleep, so hopefully she'll rest up and feel better in the morning.


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Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6