My sister has 3 beautiful children and I adore them endlessly. The two boys are sweethearts and I love how much they love Drew and how good Drew is with them, playing football in the yard and calling to ask about their baseball games. My niece, Mary Margaret just turned 13 and she just went from being my cute little girl to my stunning little lady. My sister has always called her a mini-Langley, and it is one of the best compliments I could receive. MM is one of the brightest, sweetest, most mature little girls I have ever known, and she makes me so proud. She started playing the violin and the cello like her auntie Langley and she is so talented! She has big dreams of going to Julliard and I have no doubt that she has the ambition and attitude to make her dreams a reality. I am constantly impressed by this little one. She just had these pictures taken by a photographer friend of my sister's and they take my breath away.

Here's what the photographer had to say: "Mary Margaret’s Mom came with a vision…Her beautiful daughter, on atmospheric Driftwood Beach, with her antique musical instruments. If it sounds dramatic and lovely, it was even more so in real life! Her cello is a super impressive 150+ year old instrument! I was a nervous wreck, making sure that nothing got wet or sandy or stolen by sea turtles…Thankfully, Mary Margaret is a gorgeous, amazing young musician, and photographing her was this artist’s dream."

Thanks Carrie for sharing the images. See her blog here: (
Studio Vohl)
That is so sweet! You have made me cry today. Tissue anyone?