We went in to the doctor yesterday for the BIG 20 week ultrasound. It's a super ultrasound for taking a bunch of baby measurements, making sure all of the baby's parts have formed correctly, and looking for any abnormalities which may indicate there's a problem.
Some of what they look for includes:
-head, length, and long bone measurements
-the four chambers of the heart, both kidneys, the bladder, brain, stomach, spine,
-the umbilical cord with two arteries and a vein
-the heart rate
-amniotic fluid levels, and
-determining or confirming the sex!! (100% this time it's a girl)
It was a really cool appointment, and I loved seeing all four chambers of the heart beating so strongly, and seeing her little hands and feet and tiny nose. It's still so crazy to me that she's in there just bouncing around. We were very relieved to hear that everything looked perfect, and we don't have anything to worry about. My dentist hubby was very happy to see her perfect little mouth and lips, and no cleft palate, and I was very excited to see some long little violin fingers.
From her measurements she may be a week ahead in gestational age, which would move her due date, unofficially, to my birthday (!!) December 5th. Officially it's still December 12 since the measurements are just averages, but I won't complain if she comes on or around my birthday. I can't imagine a better present in the world.
Warning, here are a few of the u/s pictures, so if you find them creepy or weird, stop reading!
Here is a profile view of her head and belly.

Here is her little foot and tiny toes.

Our nurse said she was in a perfect position to get some good views on the 4D ultrasound, so she turned it on and we got to see what she really looks like in there. Keep in mind she has no fat on her yet so she's still a skinny little fetus, but oh wow, was this incredible. I had tears in my eyes when she turned these on.

We can't wait to meet her in 20 weeks. Back to cooking little one.