LC announcement!


Guess who's having a baby?!

I'm officially 14 weeks on Monday and very happy to be into the second trimester. This might help explain some of my lack of cooking and blogging over the last few weeks. Cooking, and the general idea of food that was anything other than fruit, especially bananas and grapes, yogurt, and oatmeal, made made heave. Hence, cooking went on the back burner for a little while. I believe I'm back now, woo hoo!, so I'll have some new things to try coming soon!

On top of not feeling like cooking, I was extremely exhausted. I mean, falling asleep on the couch and waking up 3 hours later exhausted. So when I wasn't working, or reading baby books, I was usually laying or sleeping, and generally just trying to feel better.

I believe I'm officially over the hump and into what the books call "the honeymoon trimester," meaning, I'm feeling great, have lots of energy again and haven't yet acquired the large belly that I have to lug around in the third trimester. So I'm going to enjoy every second of this trimester and make the most of it!

I'll try to keep update on the adventures of being pregnant as I go!

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