I love these babies


Yesterday we put together the stroller and carseat for our other baby on the way. Naturally I put Charlotte and Mason in for a test ride, and surprisingly they just sat there and let me push them, likely thinking to themselves that I have lost my mind in the last few weeks. They're so sweet to patiently put up with me.

For the stroller and carseat, we went with the Chicco Cortina Keyfit 22 Travel System. I debated between the Keyfit 22 and Keyfit 30, the difference being the 22 pound v. the 30 pound weight limit. They both have a 30 inch height maximum, and based on all the reviews I read and talking to a bunch of my friends, it is more likely she'll outgrow it in height before she's close to 30 pounds, so I went the 22 route. It's a lighter seat and I don't expect I'm going to be carrying a 30 pound child in a carrier anyway. That's a lot of weight for my little arms. After she outgrows this, we'll move into the Britax booster seat which is good up to 70 pounds.

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