My baby is 2 months old

She's growing up so fast!


She's about to roll over and has almost complete head control now. Just this last week, it seemed like her face started filling out. She's really responsive now to voices - she recognizes when I come into the room and turns to my voice, and she loves to laugh when you talk and sing to her. Every day I think I don't want her to get older because I love her exactly the way she is, and then she does something new and adorable, and I love her even more!

She loves her playmat now, and gets mad at me when I pick her up from it.


I started doing monthly shots so when she turns 1 we can see how much she changed each month. I couldn't decide on the best location, so I did one in her crib and one in her polka dot lounge chair.

2 months


1 month



1 comment:

  1. In this first photo, I am taken back...all I can see is your beautiful face Mom!
