In her OWN Room!

Our goal was to move Leighton into her own room at 4 months. She has been sleeping beside the bed in her Rock N Play (which is my MUST HAVE if you're going to have a baby - more on that later...I have a post with our favorite baby gear coming soon). We decided 4 months was the time to move her as the SIDS risk goes down at 4-6 months, and she's sleeping through the night, so the convenience for me of having her next to the bed is pretty much gone.

So, we pulled the trigger last week and moved her over. First night was a little rocky - she woke up at 1 and (I am guessing) got disoriented, so I couldn't get her back to sleep, and every time I did, she woke up. At 4:30 she finally fell back asleep. It was a long night. BUT...the next night, I put her down at 7:00, she woke up at 4 ish for a little nibble, fell back asleep till 9:30, um Heck yes, I'll take it! Pretty much every night since then has been about the same. I rock her till she's in a half-sleep and then put her in her crib and let her toss and turn for about 15 mins until she is completely asleep. I am scared of rocking her completely so sleep and then creating a beast that will only go to sleep with my assistance (I have mom friends who have warned me of this) and so far so good! I must say, it's sad to let go and transition to a new big girl stage, but she is sleeping so well, since it's darker and the dogs and drew and me aren't making noises to disrupt her deep sleep.

We have the summer infant baby touch video monitor, which I HIGHLY recommend, so we can keep an eye on her, and/or listen for her, AND we always chuckle at the interesting positions she finds to sleep in.

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In the mornings after I hear her wake up, I let her chill in the bed for about 15 minutes before I go get her, and this is what I come to rescue.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

I mean...what a happy sweet girl!

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