9.5 weeks to go!

The single digit countdown is on! I cannot believe we are so close, and yet as close as we are, I'm sure time will drag by. Things have been going very smoothly, and I am so thankful I have had such an easy pregnancy. The first trimester was, well, just crappy. I had all-day sickness, and generally was not in the best of moods. Second trimester was cake. I really didn't have any of symptoms the books warn you about, and I was pretty much able to do what I wanted, whenever. Now that I'm a couple weeks into the third trimester, again, I am very lucky and have not had any of the major scary symptoms I have read about, however I have been plagued with 2 ailments that are just driving me crazy.

1. Heartburn. OMG. It's terrible. However she is situated in there, I am pretty positive she has herself wrapped around my stomach, and as soon as I eat something she squeezes the heck out of it, causing major heartburn and reflux issues. It's pretty awful. I eat a lot of tums :/

2. The pee situation. I have to go...a lot. I am supposed to be drinking tons and tons of water to avoid dehydration, which can cause early labor, yet I find myself trying to avoid drinking because inevitably 10 minutes after I drink a glass of water I have to run to the bathroom. It's extremely annoying, and very disruptive to working out for an hour, sleeping, watching a movie, driving, walking the dogs around the block. (sorry if TMI)

2.5 I am moody again...it's a minor ailment, but if I seem to sprout horns and a tail, just stay away and I'll get over it. Love will come back into my heart and we'll be just peachy again, I promise ;)

Okay, so that's about it for the bad symptoms. Hopefully things will continue to go smoothly for the next 9 weeks and come early December we'll welcome little Leighton into the world, and have a whole new life to start.

And this just made me laugh this morning.


In fact, I would like a beer, or a skinny girl margarita. I think I actually prefer the midhusband.

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