Thoughts from my day

why did Edy's change the size of their ice cream containers but keep the price the same? Ridiculous if you ask me.

edy's girl scout flavored ice cream doesn't taste like the girl scout cookies and doesn't have any hunks of cookie in it. therefore, it's not girl scout cookie ice cream.

where are the girl scouts? I know they should be selling now, but I haven't seen one at any of my three publixes and I need some tagalongs, stat.

urban flats' wine down is best idea ever.

I wish we didn't buy our townhouse at the peak of the real estate prices

but, it is nice not having a yard to take care of, and I like our neighbors.

why can't i keep basil alive?

it's 4 days till my marathon! yikes! yikes?

studying for the patent bar is completely and entirely draining.

my runner girlfriends make my day, every day.

this year is my 10 year high school reunion. when did this happen?

i have amazing parents.

our dogs think they're human, or is it, we think our dogs are human?

i'm obsessed with band perry's song, "if i die young"

i'm ready for spring.

ellen is my favorite ever. ever.

1 comment:

  1. good thoughts langs, good thoughts. So funny on the Edy's size. We talked about that in marketing just last week - with food consumers tend to notice price increases but often don't take note of size changes so they do it to trick us and get more margin! Thank goodness you are exposing them!!
