A real life princess

I do believe Prince William has dashed many little girls' dreams of becoming princesses this morning with the announcement of his engagement to Kate Middleton, including mine! I kid, I kid, but I am pretty jealous of all the fancy hats she gets to wear. Oh and the jewels!


I can't imagine what her life is going to be like now and how heavily scrutinized her every action will be, but I'm sure she will handle it with grace and class. She is so beautiful and I love her style, and I can't wait for this royal wedding!


I think it's so special that he gave her Princess Diana's ring. He said, "As you may have recognised, it's my mother's engagement ring, so of course it's very special to me and Kate's very special to me now as well, and it's only right the two are put together. This was my way of making sure that my mother didn't miss out on today." How romantic and very very special.

And is it just me or does Kate look identical to Natalie from Love Actually?? Doppelgangers for sure.

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