Tennis Wednesday


Drew and I finally started playing tennis together on a regular basis early this summer, and it has been one of our most favorite activities to do together. We usually play Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings in a tennis clinic, and we hit together or with my parents other evenings. My mom and dad have been playing tennis for years and have been begging us to get out there and play together, but it just never seemed like we had time. They play regularly on a doubles team together, and I love that they have their little activity together a few nights a week. I grew up playing, but I let it slide in recent years, and it has been so much fun to get back out there with Drew. Plus we've met a bunch of new friends and it is a great way to stay active on my off-days from running.

They say tennis is the sport of a lifetime and we'll be able to make friends, socialize, and play competitively for years to come. Obviously it's a great way to stay active and be healthy while having a lot of fun, and I'm excited to play family tennis with our future little ones and our parents. Another reason Wednesday hump-day is a highlight of my week.

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